February 2002
This test was done using HipSaver Hip Protectors.
October 2000
This study examines the results of a program at the Elder Service Plan of East Boston that used HipSavers for patients with histories of frequent falls to absorb and dissipate the energy transmitted in a fall to prevent hip fractures.
August 2000
HipSaver pads were tested at the Harvard affiliated laboratory in 1996 and found to offer 10% better impact attenuation than Safehip.
November 2000
Hip Protectors -- A Breakthrough in Fracture Prevention.
November 2000
Do hip pads help prevent hip fractures?
October 2003
The results of a 13 month long study were published in the Sept/Oct. 2003 issue of the Journal of the American Medical Directors Association. HipSavers were written into the care plan of 38 at-risk residents. The study authors report an average 93% compliance rate for the duration of the study. Equally important, there were 126 falls among the HipSaver wearers and no hip fractures. The results are very significant since compliance is a major ingredient in the success of any hip protector program. Previous studies on hard-shell hip protectors have reported much lower compliance rates.
Download New England Journal of Medicine Editorial PDF
November 2000
Hip Protectors -- A Breakthrough in Fracture Prevention.
June 2004
A 12 months hip protector study carried out in the UK between July 2003 and June 2004. This study confirms the superiority of soft HipSavers over the hard shell protectors. The final report of this project is now available.
November 2000
Click here to download the Prevention of Hip Fracture in Elderly People with Use of a Hip Protector PDF.
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